Monday, April 19, 2010


The weather was beautiful yesterday so after dinner we went outside to blow bubbles. It was fun to watch the girls blow their own bubbles and chase after the ones Noah blew for them. I love to hear their little delightful squeals.

Allison's Here!

Here's me waiting for labor to start. My doctor broke my water at 8am and 3 hours later I was still not having contractions-- aaargh. In the meantime Noah was texting Granny and she said it would be cool if she was born at 2:22 on 2/22. I quickly said, "No, that's too far away." Then I said, "1:10 would be good." Finally they put me on pitocin and after increasing the dosage once I was finally progressing . . . quickly. Within 40 minutes of contractions starting our little Allison finally arrived.

Allison Paige Wilmes arrived on 2/22/10 at 1:10 pm. (Yep, I totally called it :) ) She was 8 lbs 9.7 oz and 21 1/2 inches long. The first words out of my mouth when I saw her were, "Wow, she's big." She had little rolls and everything! She sure is a little angel.

A little bit later Nana & Papa brought Hannah & Mackenzie up to see her. They absolutely adored their new little sister. I remember looking up at Noah surrounded by all my little girls and telling him that this was a little glimpse of heaven. . . . and it really was a tender moment for all of us.

This is the next day (2/23) Our little Allison and I were ready to go home.

I couldn't figure out how to delete this awful picture of me so now the whole world gets to see it because I didn't want to redo my whole post. LOL

Here's the proud daddy of our 3 little girls. He's a great dad- our girls are so lucky to have him and so am I. Welcome to the fam' little Allie, Allie, Allison.